Sunday, April 7, 2013

My formative experiences in nature

I was lucky to grow up around nature, it was all around me. My backyard was filled with trees and shrubs! But what attracted me, what intrigued me to enjoy nature, was when I first sighted foxes. I was about 6 or 7 years old. I was looking through my backdoor window on a rainy seattle day. I saw something move by where our backyard lawn met the "forest". It was orange, and had pointed ears, at first I wasn't quite sure what they were so I called my mom and dad to come over and look. My dad said that they were foxes and usually they would come out once a year sometimes. Excitement came over me as I watched the foxes trot around. I wanted to go outside to view them closer, but my parents told me it would be dangerous for me, and they didn't want me to ruin my clothes, since my grandmother would be coming over soon. But everyday after my first sighting, I waited in my backyard  hoping to get another chance to see the foxes. Day by day I explored my backyard, from becoming fascinated with butterflies, to making mud pies, to learning that hawks nested in one of the trees. But I never saw the foxes since.

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